
Closer to making games

After fixing the build process I’ve been spending some time making sure the existing features don’t break and work correctly with the scaling feature. I’ve merged the git repo from the engine with a new one I created for a game jam project from the past that has mostly been just an idea. This was all quite easy with the tools that I’ve setup, more on that process in Version Control. If you have a company that is looking for… Read More »Closer to making games

KDevelop Continued

One thing I really like so far in KDevelop is that it’s got a clean, easy to understand UI. Also the performance is great. ~❯ ps u -C kdevelop   USER         PID %CPU %MEM    VSZ   RSS TTY      STAT START   TIME COMMANDayoungb+   73442  3.2  2.3 2662272 374068 ?      Sl   19:02   1:24 /usr/bin/kdevelop But as you may be able to see there are still some errors that I didn’t know I’d introduced in this particular project that I’m ironing out with the Project… Read More »KDevelop Continued