
Fake it until you Make it

Well that feels like multiple steps back to get in the exact same place, but this is actually progress. See what had happened was… Until discovering KDevelop I spent too much time relying on Eclipse once I configured it to just work. And it did and it does. But eventually I’d like to move away from Eclipse to KDevelop. Meanwhile, I was not able to compile using my other default build system of (GNU) Make and a Makefile. This is… Read More »Fake it until you Make it

CMake vs. Make

One thing you notice right away in KDevelop is that they like to use CMake. Up until now I’ve always just used Make, I mean path of least resistance, right? There’s a great blog post on Perpetual Enigma about the differences, so I’ll just summarize here. Make will always be used as it’s part of the CMake build process, but CMake adds what’s basically an abstraction layer to create the Makefile per platform you’re building on. It stands for Cross-platform… Read More »CMake vs. Make

Developer Environments

How we do what we do is often as important as what we do. Thus, I’m discussing a recent decision to shift IDE’s with more to follow on that process. Quickly before that I’d like to discuss my hardware: I have a Dell XPS 13 9370 that I purchased for my day job in IT at I jokingly tell people I bought a replacement for my 2011 MacBook Pro and found the best MacBook on the market at the… Read More »Developer Environments